When a customer purchases an item from your store, you can offer them multiple shipping options
Add a shipping country
To add a shipping option:
- On the Store settings page, click the Shipping tab
- Click on the Add Shipping Country button
Choose a country from the drop-down. This will be the destination to which you will be shipping your products.
If you want to ship to more countries, you can add them one by one later on.
Choose a shipping rate type
Next, you will have to choose the shipping rate type.
You can choose between:
Fixed shipping price, in which you charge the same amount for shipping regardless of how big the order is.
Shipping depending on weight, where you can charge according to the final weight of the whole order.
Shipping depending on the order total, where you can set free shipping if the order total surpasses a certain amount.
Once you have chosen your shipping rate type, fill in the other fields accordingly:
Shipping rate name. The name you provide here will be seen by customers using your website during checkout.
Estimated delivery time. The amount of time it will take for the goods to reach the customer.
Courier. The name of the courier you will be using to send the goods.
Shipping cost. The amount to charge the customer for using this shipping method.
Weight based shipping
For shipments based on weight, make sure you cover a wide range of weights, in case someone places a big order.
In the example above, someone ordering up to 2 Kg of products will be charged £10. If the total order weighs 3 kg, then the price goes up to £20, and so on.
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